The Creative Transitions team has collaborated with Engine Room Theatre over the course of 3 zoom sessions. We have been learning about their arts process and listening to their creative stories. In the sessions we watched extracts from the groups performance piece 'The Voyage' and discussed their starting points for telling their own personal stories, how they workshopped and developed ideas and how it all came together in the final show.
We took part in creative sessions that have inspired us to work towards a short arts project allowing us to tell our stories creatively. Members of the Engine Room group helped lead the online zoom sessions and helped members of creative transitions think about their own 'Journeys' through asking thought provoking questions as well as delivering engaging activities over zoom. Thank you Anna Webb and Engine Room Theatre members for your time, it's been brilliant!
"I surprised my self with what I came out with" - Linden
"Working alongside the Creative Transitions team has been a real privilege for us. We were particularly inspired by the ideas that were beginning to emerge for Ellie and Linden: Inside a musical box there’s a songstress in a miniature theatre ‘reaching for the stars’ and elsewhere, at the crossroads there’s a man in a state of flux….But what happens next? We can’t wait to see what wonderful work is made by these two talented artists." - Anna Webb